My Skin Journey with Scarlett Johansson

Exploring the Secrets Behind The Outset, as Told by Scarlett Johansson

In 2023, I find myself in a world where celebrity beauty brands seem to pop up as frequently as a daily routine. Often, the news of another one might provoke an eye roll rather than genuine excitement. However, when I learned about Scarlett Johansson and her business partner Kate Foster’s venture, The Outset, I was genuinely intrigued. In today’s fiercely competitive beauty industry, The Outset stands out for several compelling reasons.

First and foremost, it’s a brand that resonates with me because it was born out of Scarlett Johansson’s own enduring battle with acne. She understands the struggles and frustrations of dealing with problematic skin, which sets The Outset apart from the crowd. Moreover, instead of offering quick fixes and superficial solutions, The Outset focuses on rebuilding the skin barrier. Their no-frills, vegan formulations have been rigorously tested and proven effective. It’s a brand committed to sustainability, from its refillable packaging to creating products that are meant to be used until the very last drop.

Scarlett Johansson on her skincare routine says: I started a consistent routine of cleansing my skin, prepping it, moisturizing it, and just leaving it alone. It started to repair itself within a week.

The Outset, which made its debut in 2022 to widespread acclaim, is now finding its place on the shelves of Nordstrom, a partnership that feels perfectly fitting to Johansson. It allows customers like me to witness the products in action before making a purchase.

In celebration of this milestone for The Outset, Scarlett Johansson graciously shared her personal skincare routine with me. Here’s an intimate look at everything Scarlett Johansson uses on her own face.

About My Skin: Scarlett Johansson

I’ve had my fair share of battles with acne that persisted for years. When I was younger, the prevailing advice revolved around stripping the skin. My prescribed routine included drying creams and even charcoal pills in an attempt to “detox.” The concept of the skin barrier was virtually nonexistent, so my skin was in a constant state of irritation, unable to heal properly. I was caught in a never-ending cycle of breakouts. I even developed a fear of applying moisturizer, fearing it would worsen my condition.

Then, I had an epiphany. I realized that after years of stripping my skin, maybe it was time to try something different. I adopted a consistent routine of cleansing, preparing, moisturizing, and allowing my skin to heal naturally. Remarkably, within a week, my skin began to transform. It was a life-changing moment for me.

What I Apply to My Face: Scarlett Johansson

I firmly believe that all skin is good skin, which is why I view skincare as an ongoing journey rather than a destination. It’s about understanding what works for you over time. I’ve had my go-to products and ingredient cocktails that have made my skin glow, as well as my fair share of experiments that didn’t quite pan out. This is the real stuff that makes a difference. In my case, I’ve found that fragrance-free, non-comedogenic products designed for sensitive skin are key. Hyaluronic acid and squalane have been particularly beneficial, along with botanical alternatives for these ingredients.

Scarlett Johansson Skincare Routine:

My Introduction to Skincare

My foray into skincare began out of sheer frustration. I had reached my limit with products that all seemed to have some degree of drying or contained harsh ingredients. I used to think that if I used the highest percentage of salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, I’d get the best results because they were marketed as “maximum strength.” But my skin was constantly raw and irritated. It was out of desperation that I decided to try something entirely different, something I was genuinely afraid to do: nourishing my skin. When I stopped using all those harsh products, I experienced a significant “aha” moment as I witnessed the transformation in my skin.

The Emotional Impact of Acne

Dealing with acne can take a toll on your emotions. It can be profoundly depressing and affect your entire day or even week. I remember feeling self-conscious when I went out, convinced that everyone was staring at my skin. Today, with social media and constant photography, these feelings can be magnified. I used to apply concealer before heading to work because I didn’t want my acne to be the first thing people noticed. It was a source of deep shame. Thankfully, attitudes towards acne have evolved, but during my teenage years, it was a subject that wasn’t discussed as openly, and there was a damaging narrative that associated acne with having “dirty” skin.

My Morning and Nighttime Rituals

I’m a big fan of the Micellar Cleanser, which I use in the shower. I rely on it in the morning and at night—I cleanse my face three times a day. Living in the city, I feel like there’s a lot of grime to contend with. I’m also a devoted user of our serum. I apply it before my morning moisturizer. Sometimes, I opt for just the Boosting Oil. In the winter, I combine the boosting oil with our moisturizer at night. And on occasion, I turn to the night cream. While in the shower, I use our scrub to dilute its potency. I also make use of our mask whenever I have a spare 10 minutes.

The Best Skincare Advice I’ve Received

One valuable piece of advice I received was to get rid of my 20x magnifying mirror. I used to be an avid picker, and that habit only made things worse. My sister advised me to let go of the mirror and to stop scrutinizing my pores so closely. She was right—nobody else notices those imperfections, and mentally, it made a significant difference.

My Most-Used Products

Without a doubt, the serum is my go-to product. My skin doesn’t feel the same without it. I also always carry some kind of hippie balm, typically a blend of oils, in my bag. And I never leave home without a tub of coconut oil.

Scarlett Johansson: The Skincare Mistake I’ll Never Repeat

Using an apricot scrub, a harsh exfoliant, is a mistake I made in my teens, and I definitely won’t go back to that. It’s a lesson learned through experience.

What is my skincare routine missing for a healthy glow?

Answer: A healthy skincare routine should include cleansing, moisturizing, and protection from the sun. Don’t forget to add serums with ingredients like hyaluronic acid and squalane for that extra glow.

How can I effectively manage acne-prone skin?

Answer: Managing acne requires a gentle approach. Use non-comedogenic products and establish a consistent routine with products designed for sensitive skin. Hydration and patience are key.

Can I use natural remedies to improve my skin?

Answer: Natural remedies like coconut oil and botanical extracts can be beneficial. However, consult with a dermatologist to ensure they’re suitable for your skin type and issues.

What’s the best way to combat signs of aging?

Answer: A combination of retinol, antioxidants, and a good sunscreen can help reduce signs of aging. Consult with a skincare professional for personalized advice.

How do I choose the right sunscreen for my skin?

Answer: Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Look for labels like “non-comedogenic” and “for sensitive skin” if you have specific concerns.

What should I do if I have a sudden breakout before an important event?

Answer: Resist the urge to squeeze or pick at your skin. Apply a spot treatment with salicylic acid and use a concealer to mask imperfections temporarily.

How often should I exfoliate my skin?

Answer: Exfoliation frequency depends on your skin type. Typically, 2-3 times a week with a gentle exfoliator is sufficient to remove dead skin cells and reveal fresh skin.

Can I use multiple skincare brands together in my routine?

Answer: It’s generally safe to mix products from different brands as long as they suit your skin type and don’t cause irritation. Patch testing is a good practice.

Are DIY face masks effective?

Answer: Some DIY masks can be effective, but results vary. Ensure you’re using safe ingredients, and remember that professional-grade products may offer more consistent results.

How long does it take to see results from a new skincare routine?

Answer: Skincare results vary, but you can typically expect noticeable improvements within 4-6 weeks. Consistency is key, so stick with your routine for the best outcome.”